Thursday, September 24, 2015
Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn (Review)
This review is for the book "A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn" by Shelley Shepard Gray. This is the third book in the Amish Brides of Pinecraft series. I have been fortunate to read both other books in the series, but I'm also happy to report that you could easily read this one (any of them, in fact), as a standalone novel.
I love the Pinecraft series. The Amish portrayed in this community are a bit different from most other Amish novels. I love Gray's writing style because she makes it easy to read the book and not have to do a lot of heavy thinking. You can just read for the enjoyment of the book.
In this book, Emma (a widow) meets Jay (a widower), and they immediately hit it off, especially since they both have three children. Picture the Amish Brady Bunch family! This book is really about Jay's son finding his true love in Pinecraft, but I know that something is stirring up between Emma and Jay. I can't wait to read the fourth book in this series. I'm really looking forward to it.
Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
God Made All of Me (Review)
This review is for the book "God Made All of Me" by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb. This book was created for a very simple person. The authors wanted to bring up a topic that is tough for parents to approach with children, and make it easier to bring up this topic and speak on it on a child's level. The book talks about your personal body and how God made it perfectly, but how it is your body. For example, the parents in the book explain to their children that hugging and kissing can be great, but at the same time, you should feel comfortable saying "no" to unwanted hugging and kissing (or any touching). The book encourages kids and parents to come up with a list of adults that kids feel safe talking to if something inappropriate happens.
Unfortunately, this is a topic that needs to be talked about in households. This book is vague enough that parents can feel comfortable reading it out loud, but it will strike up a good conversation. I highly recommend this book for parents with young children.
Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
The Finishing School (Review)
This review is for the book "The Finishing School" by Valerie Woerner. The front of this book states that this book is "a practical guide to everyday life" and that describes this book perfectly. This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite books I have read this year - and I have read a lot! I was reading this book and was able to imagine Valerie as one of my closest friends, sitting down with me to have an honest conversation. Her writing style is so conversational and so down-to-earth. It is incredibly easy to relate to her. Valerie covers all the things that we women struggle with at times: worry, distractions, contentment, patience, and so many other things. So many things in this book apply to my life.
At the end of each chapter, there is homework! But don't worry, this is homework you will look forward to doing. Homework worksheets are found on Valerie's website and she includes reading resources that are literally now all on my Amazon wishlist. I can't say enough good things about this book. In fact, I think I'll be purchasing copies for some of my friends.
Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
Friday, September 11, 2015
God Gave Us Sleep (Review)
This review is for the book "God Gave Us Sleep" by Lisa Tawn Bergren. This is the fifth or six book in the "God Gave Us" series that my family has read together. My kids absolutely love this series, and to be honest, I do not really tire of reading the books to them. I think these books are great ways to introduce topics on the level of a child. This book is about the importance of rest, in order for our bodies and minds to feel refreshed. If you are a parent, there is going to be a fight over bedtime at some point! You will be able to relate to this book, as Little Cub doesn't want to go to bed, but when she doesn't get enough sleep, she is very grumpy the next day.
My family loves seeing these same characters over and over again. We read the books repeatedly. I highly recommend not just this book, but the whole series.
Thank you to Waterbrook Multonah for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
blogging for books,
waterbrook multonah
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Gather Around (Review)
This review is for the book "Gather Around the Amish Table" by Lucy Leid. Seriously, what could be better than an authentic Amish cookbook filled with authentic Amish stories?
The cookbook has contents including breakfast foods, breads, spreads, soups and sandwiches, salads, vegetables and side dishes, main dishes, desserts, candy, beverages and even extras like cleaning supplies and baby wipes.
I have yet to try one of the recipes in this cookbook but I can't wait to get started. There were only a couple of recipes that had odd ingredients that I wouldn't know where to find, or I wouldn't necessarily want to eat... like pig stomach, Clear Gel and saltpeter. I loved sitting down and reading this cookbook and I believe it's one I'll have in my kitchen for many generations.
Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Intersect (Review)
This review is for the DVD short-film series called "Intersect". This DVD was put together by The Awaken Movement, involving Rob Peabody and Cris Rogers. I was excited to watch this because I just read one of Rob Peabody's books and it was one of the best books I read all year. I was a bit disappointed in this DVD. My husband and I had hoped to use it in a small-group setting with some friends from church. I put the DVD in tonight to get an overview of what to expect and was very surprised when the first video was over in just a few short minutes. Each video had a short testimony from someone and then a short message from one of the men involved in the men in the Awaken Movement.
I enjoyed the videos, but even combined with the scripture and discussion questions, there is not a whole lot of meat in this study. I think it would be better for an individual to complete rather than involving a group in it. I don't see a lot of conversations being started from these sessions, honestly. I hate to say that. In the end, I did enjoy the video,I just didn't feel much of a connection to it, unfortunately.
Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the DVD in exchange for my honest review.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Counting on a Cowboy (Review)
This review is for the book "Counting on a Cowboy" by Debra Clopton. This is the second book in the Four of Hearts Ranch Romance series. I have read the first in the series, but I believe you could easily read this as a standalone. It was nice to "see" these characters again and see where some of them had ended up after the first novel.
In this book, Abby comes to the small town of Wishing Springs just to get away from her life and her sad memories. But from the time she comes into town, it's just one thing after another, and the situations she gets herself into keep involving bachelor Bo Monahan. Bo is suspicious of every lady because his town has recently become a romantic destination. Throughout the book, as Bo and Abby keep getting thrown together, they find out they have feelings for each other. The trick is for Bo to realize he is tired of bachelor life and for Abby to move past her issues from the past.
I enjoyed this book more than the first one, actually. I like Clopton's easy reading style and I recommend this book for those who enjoy this genre.
Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

Until My Name is Known (Review)
This review is for the book "Until My Name is Known" by Sonya Contreras. This book is the first in the Tell of My Kingdom's Glory series.
This book is set in 2450 BC in Egypt. Today's historians wonder how the Old Kingdom of Egypt fell. This story is a fictional account which ties in things with scriptural accuracy to create an adventure that will capture your attention from the first chapter. This book is intended to be a fictional reference to the book of Exodus, and how Moses may have felt as he followed God's leading.
The book also includes a reference map, a glossary, and references to other books, as well as a little teaser for the second book in the series. I think this is going to turn out to be a great series to read. If you enjoy historical fiction based on scripture, you will enjoy this book. Personally, I love to read books where the author tries to imagine how people in the Bible may have felt.
Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Glory Days (Review)
This review is for the book "Glory Days" by Max Lucado. I will be honest in telling readers that Lucado is one of my all-time favorite authors and speakers, but I will review this book without bias!
This book focuses on the book of Joshua in the Bible. Lucado is urging us to live in our "glory days" instead of "wilderness days". We want to live a victorious Christian life, and Lucado's purpose of this book is to show us how to do that. This involves fixing our eyes on God. Leaving our past behind. Believing in God's promises. Trusting that He knows what He's doing.
Lucado has a great mixture of scripture and personal story-telling in this book. The book is an easy read but has a lot of useful information in it. It was nothing less than what I expect from this author.
Thank you to Litfuse Publicity for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Things I've Said (Review)
This review is for the book "Things I've Said to My Children" by Nathan Ripperger. This is a really funny, silly, easy read. The entire book is quotes that Ripperger has found himself saying to his children over the years. He took the quotes and put them to original illustrations. The quotes are all child-appropriate and off-the-wall. For example, he has to remind his children that the cat does not want to wear lipstick, and watermelon should not be rubbed on your arm.
This is a great, light-hearted read that parents and non-parents alike will enjoy. And hey, you may have said one or two similar things to your own children!
Thank you to Waterbrook Multonah for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
blogging for books,
waterbrook multonah
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