Brianna loves to practice good hygiene:
Stephen has taught Brianna to give him five and then "pound" fists or do "knuckles". Here she is trying to do knuckles with Hunter - he just happened to have his fist balled up already!
Teaching Hunter to do high fives:
This is when she pats him and says, "Awwwww, baby!"
Brianna's beautiful dress from her Nenah!
Either an up-to-date or out-of-date report on the lives of the Talberts.
1. Make 10 new recipes March 31, 2020
- Chili
- Chunky Macadamia Nut White Chocolate Cookies
- Honey cake
- Caramel-stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies
2. Use my bread machine at least 3 times
3. Try 5 local restaurants that are new to us - Khan Mongolian Grill
4. Make candied apples October 3, 2019
5. Make a floral lantern
6. Make pretty envelopes
7. Create glamour glassware
8. Make a candy cane decorative stand
9. Make candles in teacups
10. Make snowball soap surprises March 31, 2020
11. Make creme brulee
12. Go to one Macon Bacon game
13. Go to one Macon Mayhem game
14. Go to Savannah Children’s Museum
15. Visit Atlanta Botanical Gardens
17. Visit Tallulah Gorge (whole family)
18. Visit Gibbs Gardens
19. Take the kids to the Hogg Mine
20. Visit Helen, GA. (whole family) November 16, 2019
21. Go to Callaway Gardens (whole family)
22. Go to a monster truck rally
23. Go to Fernbank Museum of National History
24. Visit a planetarium
25. Go with the family to the Biltmore House
26. Take the kids on the SouthStar Trolley in Augusta
27. Go to Wild Animal Safari (whole family)
28. Go to Noah’s Ark (whole family)
29. Visit Pebble Hill Plantation
30. Go to Andersonville
31. Visit the Biblical History Center (whole family)
32. Do the CFA tour in Atlanta (whole family)
33. Visit the World of Coke (whole family)
34. Visit Babyland November 16, 2019
35. Visit The Breman Museum (whole family)
36. See one show at the Center of Puppetry Arts
37. Go to Tellus (whole family)
38. Go to Jimmy Carter’s Sunday school class
39. Visit the Tubman Museum
40. Go to 5 fun events that aren’t local
A. High Falls State Park
B. Indian Springs State Park
41. Hike the Ocmulgee trail again
42. Hike the Amerson River trails again
43. Go tubing with the kids
44. Visit Radium Springs Garden (whole family)
45. Visit Providence Canyon (whole family)
46. Go to the Georgia Southern museum (whole family)
47. Visit the CDC museum
48. Go to the Habitat for Humanity Global Village & Discovery Center
49. Visit the Vidalia Onion museum
50. Go out of state for our girls trip
51. Run a 5K.
52. Complete Lee Labrada’s full plan at least once.
53. Get my hearing checked
54. Do 10 pullups in a row.
55. Do 30 pushups in a row.
56. *Personal health goal*
57. Walk/run/bike 100 miles
58. Pay for the person behind me in a drive thru
59. Adopt a child for Christmas every Christmas (1/3)
60. Extend a loan on Kiva.org
61. Help with Party with a Purpose at least two times
62. Volunteer with Meals on Wheels at least 3 times
63. Work at a food bank at least once
64. Give a minimum of $100 to Stephanie and Daniel
65. Do 20 acts of random kindness with the kids
66. Give a minimum of $100 to Christian and Hannah
67. Make $100 a month on Mturk at least 12 times (1/12)
68. Save $1,000 in a separate account from our savings account November 8, 2019
69. Pay off the Discover card.
70. *Personal financial goal*
71. *Personal financial goal*
72. Have 5 months minimum with no eating out
73. Do at least one no-spend month (for “wants”)
74. Make $200 on Mercari or eBay
75. Create an emergency car kit
76. Read 50 books per year.
77. Catalog every book in the house
78. Finish all the pork in our freezer
79. Leave Stephen 10 random love notes throughout the 1001 days.
80. Leave Brianna 10 random love notes throughout the 1001 days.
81. Leave Hunter 10 random love notes throughout the 1001 days.
82. Finish my chronological Bible plan
83. Get a passport
84. Get recertified for CPR
85. Vote in Georgia
86. Get a Georgia drivers license October 4, 2019
87. Organize pantry and buy organizing tools (make the pantry look nice)
88. Spend one weekend unplugged
89. Complete the #100happydays challenge
90. Find an escape room that Bri can do
91. Do 25 of the things on my Pinterest boards
92. Have family pictures taken
93. Clean the photos off my phone
94. Mail at least 10 snail mail letters
95. Level-related goal for R+F
96. Customer-related goal for R+F
97. Business partner-related goal for R+F
98. Go to convention at least once
99. Financial goal for R+F
100. Learn how to really utilize my Instagram profile
101. Complete 70 things on this list by July 11, 2022.
Either an up-to-date or out-of-date report on the lives of the Talberts.