Two months ago we had a lovely visit from Sally and her beautiful daughter Evelyn. Of course we took the opportunity to have a play date with all the kids, and of course it's taken me
two months to blog about it. Dad
blogged about it only days afterward of course - he's so good. So here are my pictures, better late than never!
We started off inside the house. Mom and Dad's grandkids were starving as usual so they (Brianna) spent most of the time eating instead of playing. This is why the rest of the pictures have Brianna sporting a red strawberry mouth.
Evelyn spent the first few minutes exploring the new-to-her toys and getting used to the chaos that has become the Loyd house!
But it wasn't long before Evelyn and Claire made their way to the swing on the front porch!
From there, we made it outside and then the fun really began!!
Evelyn started dinner for some baby dolls and Brianna and Claire jumped right on that.
Here is Claire serving tea to Grandpa. Brianna is cooking in the background.
Evelyn and Bri cooking together.
Hunter just laid on his back for an odd amount of time. He thought it was hilarious to throw the ball and just sit back and wait for someone to give it back to him.
The wagon-pulling was a huge event. Bri was more of a supervisor but Claire enjoyed riding!
And now it's Evelyn's turn!
Bri and Claire stand around, making sure Grandpa is following the road rules.
Here, Brianna continues to supervise Claire's trip in the wagon.
At this point, Evan wasn't NEARLY as mobile as he is now! I think he wanted in on the fun but just couldn't get his legs to cooperate!
All the kids were happy as can be when they were playing in the sand pile.
And the swings were a big hit as usual too!
So funny to think that Sally and I were rocking out this swingset about 20 years ago!!
The kids love it when you can play with a ball and a cardboard tube.
Hunter: "And when I open my eyes, a ball shall appear!"

We had a great day, and hope to have many more of these playdates in the future - especially when Sally adds another baby to the mix in early 2012! (Okay, we'll give him a few months to adjust to his new life, but then we will
have to introduce him to the beauty of this backyard!)
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