I recently was able to read a book called "Captivated" by Thabiti Anyabwile. This book topic is surrounding the mystery of Jesus' death and resurrection.
Each chapter is based on something that Jesus felt at a different point in the process of His death and resurrection. For example, the chapter titles are things such as "Why Have You Forsaken Me?" and "Why Do You Seek the Living Among the Dead?" I think this is something that is completely new and very relevant. I have never read a book that explored the statements of Jesus like this.
I enjoyed reading this book. It is a pretty quick read because it is a somewhat short book, but there is a lot to be gleaned by reading this book. Especially as we get closer to Easter it is a great reference for getting you in the mindframe (somewhat) that Jesus was in as He was on this journey.
I highly recommend this book.
Thank you to Cross Focused Reviews and Reformation Heritage Books for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
Buy your copy from Amazon here (affiliate link):
Captivated: Beholding the Mystery of Jesus Death and Resurrection
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