Thursday, January 22, 2015

Kindergarten - Day 80

Day 80 - Wednesday, December 17

We spent the day before making Christmas cards to pass out at a local retirement home:

We talked about the reason behind Christmas cards (what a coincidence) and Christmas cookies!

Solving a Gingerbread Mystery. Hunter did the whole thing with us and then said, "When are y'all gonna do school?" I said, "Son... that was part of school!" He said, "Whaaaat!?" It was a lot of fun.

There were several different mysteries of who stole a cookie. You had to use deductive reasoning to figure out the thief. We loved it.

 Bri's latest chapter book - and Cam Jansen is one of my favorite story characters!

And in our spare time we complete 1000 piece puzzles.

Video: 1 minute 30 seconds of Bri reading her Cam Jansen book:

Thursday, December 18

No homeschool stuff today. By this point in the week we had been to three nursing homes and done lots of cool stuff for Christmas. I kept nursery at a local church for their Christmas party and then the kids and I went to a local non-profit's warehouse to volunteer for a couple of hours. So, this week may have been a little lacking in textbook education, but I'm really glad we got to do a lot of community service this week.

Some of our library books this week:

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