Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Today's game is another really old game. It's a tough one, but we still enjoy it! This is the game called TriBond.

The Point:
Get all three of your game pieces into their "home" spaces.


Everyone chooses three of the same color game pieces. Put them all in their triangle starting spot.

The first player/team will roll the dice. The symbol dice will show which category they will play from, and the number will tell how many spaces they get to move. These are the categories:

 A player from an opposite team draws a card and reads the clue set that pertains to the category chosen. Here is an example of a clue set and the answer:

If the team correctly "bonds" the three clues, they can move ONE game piece the number on the number die. You can only have one game piece moving along the path at once. They can then roll again and continue their turn.

The die may land on a star, which means the team can choose their category.

The die may land on a finger that is pointing, which means the team can move the amount on the number die without having to answer a clue.

As soon as a clue set is answered incorrectly, that team's turn is over.

This is another game that is really easy to be flexible in how you play. The adult version we have is typically way too hard for my kids, but if we dig through the cards we can find ones they know the answers to. I'm sure there's a kids version out there. You could also just sit and play this for fun without the board at all.

So, we like this game, other than the super obscure cards. Also, there is a way to challenge one another in the rules that we never have figured out and didn't quite make sense to us. But we like the way we play just fine!

Great for Learning:
Critical thinking, logic, reasoning

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