Three milestones have been hit all in one week. So this has been a very active week in reference to Baby Bri. (Does anyone think it's weird that I call her that? It just rolls off the tongue.)
Milestone #1 - Tuesday night, I had just sat down to take a break from cooking and blogging when I felt Brianna kick like a professional. Now, I have been feeling her kick for some time, but this was massive enough that I really thought Stephen would be able to feel her. Of course, she had already kicked, so it was too late. So I didn't say anything that time. Or the second or third time. I just thought it was a fluke! So I promised myself if she kicked one more time that hard, I'd get him over to handle the merchandise. Within just a few seconds, there it came!! So, trying not to move or breathe any differently, I told him he better get over to where I was if he wanted to feel his daughter trying to kick her way out!! It took another minute or two of us sitting there with four hands splayed across my wide belly, but she finally let loose. She kicked hard enough for him to feel more than a handful of times and then quieted down. He was so excited. He couldn't believe that's what I feel every day.
Milestone #2 - Wednesday night, I wore a T-shirt to church, and for the first time, you could still see my belly even though the shirt is a little big. Everyone was amazed at the bigness of my stomach. I have never in my life had my stomach pointed out so many times using the words "big", "growing", etc. Fortunately, it doesn't bother me to hear this! I always wondered if I would mind that or not, but I guess not.
Milestone #3 - Last night was the first night since we've been married that we've been in the same place and had to sleep separately. My big belly doesn't bother me every night, but sometimes it really gets in the way when I'm trying to fall asleep. The first time it happened, I told him I thought I'd have to move to the couch eventually because it really conforms to my body. He said if I moved in there he'd move to the loveseat so we could at least still be in the same room. Thoughtful!! Anyway, last night I finally got into a good position after about an hour of reading, tossing, and turning. I had just drifted off when ... WHAM!! I took an elbow in the schnozzle. Of course the offender attached to the elbow was still quite unconscious and unbothered. So, muttering to myself, I grabbed my book and went to the living room. I finally got sleepy again after about 45 minutes of reading. That couch isn't as comfortable as I remembered, oh, and it didn't help that Brianna started kicking well after midnight (what was she doing up!? This doth not bode well.) Finally, sometime around 4:15, I moved back into our bedroom and slept well until Stephen left for work at 5:30. So the night wasn't a total loss.
Tuesday night we had the night off, so I cooked a vegetable chowder for mom and dad for Wednesday's lunch, blogged, and cleaned up around the house while we watched
The Dark Knight. I thought it was just okay, but I have a feeling Stephen would have watched it again immediately after if we could stay up that late. In fact, him and this guy Battle at work have this weird obsession with it. Wednesday at work, Battle asked Stephen what he's going to have Brianna call him, like Dad, Pop, etc. Stephen said, "I'm going to have her call me by my real name. Bruce Wayne." Of course, because Battle and Stephen have the same sense of humor (or lack thereof, it could be argued), they thought this was hilarious.
Wednesday night we had our December birthdays party at youth group, which was just for me and Drew. So, after eating chips, cookies, cupcakes, and Mountain Dew for an hour, we also had a dinner afterwards for a girl at church whose husband has gotten sent back to his home base in Virginia. I'm not big on snacks, so the dinner was what I was waiting for. Imagine my surprise when we got home from that around 9:00 and Stephen
asked what was for dinner. Are you kidding me!? I ended up making him mac and cheese and had to finish it for him! One of us is a piggie, and I ain't sayin' who.
Last night we had our work party for Carpet One. It was at one of my FAVE local restaurants and was absolutely delicious. Last year I won a door prize, but this year, NO LUCK. Oh well. Only 364 days to try again. Tonight is another Christmas party, so hopefully I will actually utilize my camera at this one!
My toe is coming along in its healing process. It is going back and forth between itching and pain. So weird. I've been lotioning it just in case the itching is for real and not in my head. But I always correlate itching with healing, so that's good. It's still blue but of course it's not going to heal overnight.
Annnnnnnnnnnd, I just got some very good news! I don't think I ever blogged about this, but most of the people near and dear to me knew Stephen and I had finals last week. Yes, in the middle of
this, we were taking exams and writing papers. Well, he had two exams, I had one and a 15-20 page paper that I kept putting off because we were so busy every night. I ended up somehow writing it over Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday in between stuff. I finally told Stephen that I was resigning myself to getting a B in the class because I just didn't have the time or energy to put a lot of effort into this last paper, and B's on two earlier papers had brought down my average. I just checked my final grades, and I got a
98 on my final paper, bringing my final grade to a
95!!! Wooooo! So out of all my classes in the summer and fall terms, I still have a 4.0 GPA for now. I am bragging while I still can, because the classes are starting to scare me now!
This is funny, though. I was trying to search for my final grade (the website is really confusing) and I came across my graduation prediction information. Notice what it says (if you can see the picture):
Student Information effective from Summer 2008 to The End of Time.

Geez.... I mean, I knew it feels like I won't finish school until the end of time, but I didn't know they felt the same way... I think that is so funny!