Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Kindergarten - Day 26 and Day 27

Day 26 - Tuesday

 I'm telling you - fake teeth make my day!

We got to spend the morning visiting our friends at Candor Head Start yesterday!

 When we got home it was chilly and rainy, so school was officially moved to the living room! (i.e. by the fireplace!)

 Missionary story: Columba

Poetry: "Ride a Cockhorse", "Bobby Shaptoe", and "Here We Go":


 Bible story - Crossing the Red Sea

 Language Arts:

 Her instructions were to take the copywork from a couple of days ago, and underline the synonym for "chubby", circle the animal, and put a box around the synonym for "small rug".

 Day 27 - Wednesday

Bible story: The Israelites being led by the pillar that was a cloud and a pillar of fire:

Missionary story: Augustine

 Poetry: "My Mother Said", "Cock a Doodle Doo", "Excursion", "Cookie Magic" and "When I Need a Real Baby".

Bible verse: She has it down pat already! Isaiah 43:1


Counting activities: Putting manipulatives in piles and having her guess how many are in the pile. Then counting to see how close she was. She loved this! Then I made her group them in several ways and tell me about the groupings.

 Community Helpers: Nurse

 Catching up on thank you notes: We write thank you notes to the businesses we visit for field trips. Today's letters and pictures went to our local fire department and police station.


 And thanks to the Dollar Tree, purple hair!

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