Monday, November 24, 2014

Healed At Last (Review)

This review is for the book "Healed At Last" by Scott Blackwell. The thing I enjoyed most about this book is that Blackwell has a lot to add personally to this theory of healing. He is very honest about his physical impairments and how others have often focused intently on how he can be healed physically. Yet - he was never healed throughout his life, so he digs deeper to find out more about God's healing power.

Without a doubt, God still uses people to work miracles. I believe that, even in our modern times. But I also believe that God is not going to miraculously take care of every mountain that comes our way. I appreciate Blackwell being so honest about this. He takes readers through the journey of when you may have realized you might not ever receive that healing, and how to deal with it. In the end, God is still good and He is still a miracle worker, He still answers prayers and He still cares about you, even if you don't get what you want.

I think this is a well-written, honest, scriptural book. I highly recommend it to those who are struggling with questions about God's power or their own experiences.

Thank you to Cross Focused Reviews and Matthias Media for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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