Sunday, August 23, 2015

Your Sacred Yes (Review)

This review is for the book "Your Sacred Yes" by Susie Larson. The subtitle of this book is: Trading Life-Draining Obligation for Freedom, Passion & Joy. I believe so many of us can see where Larson is coming from in this book. Personally, there have been seasons in my life where I said yes to everything. The guilt of saying no was too much. I felt that if I did not say yes, no one else would either. There are many reasons we say yes to too many things, and then we are overwhelmed and drowning. In this book, Larson talks about the sloppy yes (saying yes to too many things and not doing any of them well), the shackled yes (giving in to peer pressure) and then the sacred yes (serving God well).

Included after every chapter is a prayer, personal reflection questions, a short paragraph on wisdom, group discussion starter questions, and a faith declaration.

This is a great book for those of us who feel guilty every time we say no. Take back your service to God by utilizing the advice in this book.

Thank you to Bethany House for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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