Monday, September 16, 2013

Red Like Blood Review

I'll be honest. It took me a few weeks after receiving this book to open it. "Red Like Blood: Confrontations with Grace" by Joe Coffey and Bob Bevington just looked like it was going to be a really deep book, and I had read so many deep books lately I was looking for something a little more uplifting.

The day I opened this book to read it, I finished it. That is no lie.

The book is deep, because the authors are obviously talking about grace, which can be confusing, glorious, breathtaking, mind-blowing, and of course, deep. But these authors talk about grace that makes you feel like you're talking to a friend, or just sitting around swapping stories with these guys.

One author is a pastor and one is a self-proclaimed prodigal. The story of how their paths crossed in life is amazing enough, but the grace that was extended to bring forth their present-day relationship couldn't have any foundation other than Jesus Christ.

As you read this book you will find yourself grinning and chuckling to yourself, pondering over the people that you meet in their stories, and wanting the grace and joy that they talk about so frequently in these stories. These guys are real. They are upfront, blunt, honest, and to the point. And I love it.

I do feel like I need to point out that there were a handful of curse words in the book. I was surprised by this and felt the words were unnecessary. I did not feel that I should throw out the entire book because of this issue. I don't agree with the words being used but I think that the book is going to positively affect many, many people regardless of these few words.

If you want to read a real book about grace, and you can get past some of the "uncomfortably honest" stuff in the book, this is the book for you.

Thank you to Cross Focused Reviews and Shepherd Press for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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