Monday, May 23, 2016

Africa Study Bible (Kickstarter Campaign)

I am so thrilled to be a part of the Kickstarter campaign for the new Africa Study Bible. The theory behind creating such a Bible is that most Bible resources come from a Western perspective, which is completely different culturally from the reality of life in Africa. Thus was born the idea for the Africa Study Bible.

I have actually seen a sample of this Bible. You can tell how much time, effort and study went into this Bible. The Bible itself is New Living Translation, and there are footnotes throughout the Bible which relate to African culture and phrases. This Bible could do so much good in African countries. I am so excited about this idea, and so thankful for the ones who are committed to this project!

Here is the link to the actual Kickstarter campaign. The goal is to get enough money raised to get the Bibles printed this fall.

When you give $5 or more to this amazing project you will receive a thank you shoutout on their Twitter and Facebook pages AND a special preview of the Africa Study Bible (ASB) book of Genesis!

When you give $15 or more you will get all that and a 5x8 reproduction of a Tim Botts artwork.

When you give $25 or more you will get all of the above plus a complete ASB in digital form.

When you give $40 or more you will receive all of the above except you will get a hardcover version instead of the digital version.

When you give $100 or more you will get the shoutout, the preview, the artwork, the full ASB app and a limited edition leather ASB.

When you give $500 or more you will receive all of the above except you will receive a limited edition goatskin leather Bible instead of the bonded leather.

When you give $1000 or more you will receive all of the above plus two limited edition prints of Tim Botts artwork.

When you give $3500 or more you will receive all of the above plus an all expenses paid trip to the USA dedication of the ASB hosted by Moody Broadcasting in Chicago!

When you give $10000 or more you will receive all those goodies PLUS you will actually go to Kenya for a launch of the ASB and a safari!

Here is a link to a YouTube video detailing the ASB:

The campaign runs through June 16, so check it out, share it on social media, and spread the word to everyone you know!

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