Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dinner With Friends

We rarely get to go out with friends, mainly because we never know how the kids are going to behave, so when our friends Scotty and Peggy had a fish fry a few weeks ago we jumped at the chance to go! They have three kids, and their youngest, Adrianna, is only a little older than Brianna so we knew they'd have a great time!

Well, Brianna had a great time playing dress-up with all of Adrianna's clothes/shoes/jewelry/makeup which was all new to her! But I bet you can only guess how thrilled she was to walk around the back of their house and find... animals! Everything from goats to chickens to dogs, and she had a ball! She fell in love with the dogs, and Peggy decided at one point just to get one of them out for Bri to play with. This is Tinkerbell and Brianna is officially in love.

Tinkerbell is used to being carried around like a baby doll, which worked out great for Brianna. She didn't put that dog down for hours!

Adrianna has all kinds of cool outdoor toys that we don't have! So Brianna and Hunter got to test drive a lot of new stuff!!

 The two sweet girls!!

Hunter fell in love with this car. He played in it for almost an entire hour even though he couldn't figure out how to move it. After some chatting with Peggy and Scotty, we threw the thing in the back of our truck and brought it home for just $5!!

That car was the best investment ever. Both the kids love it and it works perfectly on our driveway!

We had a great time just lounging outside, not having to worry about the kids, having good conversation, delicious fish (and other dishes!) and yummy oysters! It was such an awesome afternoon and it made me so happy that our kids are getting to the ages that we can do more and more stuff like this without having to worry about them so much (full diaper bags, extra food, extra changes of clothes, etc etc.)

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