Monday, June 3, 2013

Superhero Spring Fling!

May 18, we spent the morning at New Covenant church in Carthage. They were having a Superhero Spring Fling, and although I wasn't sure it was really geared toward our kids (because of their ages) we thought it sounded pretty cute. Well I am SO glad we went! It was perfect for our kids and they both had a blast! I can't thank the folks at NCF enough for this event. I can't even imagine the amount of time they put into all of this.

Hunter didn't even hesitate to go through the first "event" - a superhero training course! Brianna was more skeptical but after Hunter raced through it the first time, they both went through multiple times!

Next was jumping over city buildings! Both of our kids could do it in a single bound... with Daddy's help!

Actually, Brianna didn't need his help after all!

Oops. Hunter flew right out of my camera view!

Next up: Walking across the Red Sea!

Hunter's best superhero skill: knocking over tall towers! (And also cleaning up tall towers after knocking them over)

We learned about Noah, who was a real-life superhero because he obeyed God!

"Red Sea Bowling"

Then we learned about Samson, who was also a real-life hero. 

When he trusted in God, he had massive strength!

But when he strayed from God, he lost that strength.

Slinging stones at Goliath!

Daniel in the Lions Den:

Caleb's target practice:

Fishing with Peter:

And of course, the "Lack of Faith" dunking booth!! This is Pastor Lee from NCF:

By the time it was Brianna's turn, Pastor Danny from NCF was taking his turn in the dunking booth. And she got him - on her FIRST THROW!

Sticky wall like Spiderman!

Pictures with Captain America and Spiderman! Hunter was into it but Bri was NOT loving the costumes!

They put on a really cute skit about the best superhero of all - Jesus!

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