Sunday, September 10, 2017

Lifestyle of a Watchman (Review)

This review is for the book "The Lifestyle of a Watchman" by James W. Goll. In this book, Goll takes the reader on a 21-day journey to being a mature prayer intercessor. Goll does a fantastic job of pointing out scriptural references to intercessory prayer and using examples of people from the Bible, and then switching to people who use intercessory prayer in modern times. Every chapter ends with a suggested prayer for the reader to pray, and then questions for you to ask yourself and dig deeper. I really liked the stories he used for examples of intercessory prayer. The chapters go over so many situations, such as praying in a crisis, not giving up when you feel like you've been praying for so long, how to fast, how to trust in God for answers, and so on.

I really enjoyed this book and think others would like it as well.

Thank you to Chosen Publishers for a copy of the book.

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