Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yes, I'm still here

I think in the past 6 days I've heard, "Are you STILL here???" more times than I can count. So let me just reassure you, yes I am still here. No, I have not had a baby yet. No, I cannot do anything to speed up this process. So just get used to me being here!!

Dad went to Georgia last week to see our family down there, and while he was there he helped Grandpa clean up some of Grandma's things.

For example, some of her cute old hats!!

Dad captured many pictures of me and Jenn trying on these hats, which totaled a dozen or more I think. We each got to pick out a couple to take home as keepsakes. They are so cute! Another thing he brought back, though, were some "publications" of Grandma's about pregnancy. He knew we would get some laughs out of them, and laugh we did! I read a few snippets out loud yesterday during our weekly card game and we knew it would soon turn into a blog. One of these was from 1930, and the other from 1938. Let's see what words of wisdom we can find... (italicized words are quotes from the books)

  • "The positive signs that a woman is pregnant are feeling the baby move and hearing the baby's heart beat. These can be determined by a doctor's examination about the fifth month." Wow! Now we can see the heartbeat on ultrasounds at least around week 6-9. Isn't that crazy??
  • Avoidance of Strenuous Sports: Gold may be indulged in moderately during the first half of pregnancy. Bathing and swimming also are permissible during the first half if the water is not too cold; diving and stunt swimming should not be permitted. Horseback riding and tennis are to be forbidden.
  • Baths are recommended, except that the tub bath is not safe near the end of pregnancy. If she has been used to the daily cold bath, there is no reason why she should give it up at this time, provided she feels a healthy glow afterward.
  • Intercourse during the early months of pregnancy is a frequent cause of miscarriage. The danger is increased if the intercourse takes place at what would be a monthly period were the woman not pregnant. During the last two months intercourse should be forbidden, because it may bring on labor ahead of time. Now there's a saying which people start suggesting around week 37 of pregnancy: "What got you into this mess can get you out!"
  • Pregnancy is not a disease, but it is nature under a strain.
  • The mother, no matter how well she feels, needs rest before taking up her regular work and play. By the third or fourth day she may sit up for short periods. They may walk about the house after 2 weeks.
  • At present there is no evidence that if the mother smokes moderately or takes an occasional drink of an alcoholic beverage any harm will be done her baby. (during nursing)
  • Signs of Labor: The baby's movements are quieter after he sinks down into the pelvis (hah!), ensuring the mother more rest. This may be Nature's way of giving her a little respite, so that she will be better fitted to face the ordeal of labor. [Contractions] come at regular intervals. In between pains, the mother feels quite well and cheerful - another wonderful scheme of Nature to keep up her strength.
  • Not so many years ago, a pregnant woman used to be urged by all to eat as much as she possibly could, and as often as she possibly could, as "she now had to feed two people instead of one." This is not only unnecessary but bad.
  • There are women who during pregnancy may be subjected to cravings for unusual foods. It is a good thing to try to control these cravings and not encourage them, for very often, the hankering is after some food that is definitely harmful.
  • Care of the Hair: Having a permanent wave about the middle of the fifth months will enable the mother to keep her hair looking neat until after the baby is born.
  • The pregnant woman should always leave the bathroom door unlocked while she is taking a bath, and she shouldn't take her bath while she is alone in the house. These are simple precautions advisable in case she may have a slight indisposition. Like getting stuck?
  • Driving is all right if the mother likes it, and she is not inclined to be nervous. She may drive until the fifth month, so long as she chooses quiet roads and goes at a moderate pace. She should never drive without being accompanied in the car by another responsible person.
  • Suitable Forms of Recreation: Books, magazines, the radio, unexciting movies, and card games. Sewing and knitting may be done in moderation. (Because those activities may just make the mother too excitable!!)
  • For the first three months the mother may wear her ordinary everyday corset. Thank goodness, I thought I'd have to quit wearing my corset!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed those tidbits as much as I did! Funny how some things have changed so much but they were dead-on with some of the information too.

1 comment:

Renee said...

this was sooo funny!!!