Thursday, August 3, 2017

Counterfeit Comforts (Review)

This review is for the book "Counterfeit Comforts" by Robia Scott. This book was so, so good, and talked to me about something I didn't even realize I needed help with. Scott points out that we all have a familiar go-to stress reliever - a glass of wine, ice cream, a television show, online shopping, etc. These are fine for temporary relief, but none of them can leave us with a lasting satisfaction. And some of them lead to harmful and addictive behaviors.

In this book, she talks about overcoming her own counterfeit comforts and encourages readers to make it past these temporary "feel-good" situations and find more permanent peace. Sometimes that means letting go of people, changing your thought process, and self-evaluate. She gives really great steps on how to do all of these things and find a more permanent comfort in your relationship with God.

Thank you to Chosen Publishers for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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