Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Kindness Challenge (Review)

This review is for the book "The Kindness Challenge" by Shaunti Feldhahn. I absolutely loved this book. I cannot WAIT to put it into practice. In this book, the reader is challenged to think of a relationship that is tough, or strained, or could just be better in general. Feldhahn asserts that we can make small steps to improve these relationships.

What is really amazing is how much this book made me self-reflect. I consider myself a very kind person, but I realized that I can definitely improve in a lot of areas, especially towards my husband and children. For example, one of the chapters talks about thanking my husband for the little things - washing my car, mowing the lawn, etc. These are the things I take for granted that he does. But when I thank him, it's an affirmation of love for him. I also realized that there are times I will thank someone in my family for something and then show exasperation right after. For example, "Thanks for changing the baby's diaper, but I really like for the tabs to be fastened this way", or "Bonnie! You know we don't do it that way!" These things make us lose perspective.

I could go on and on about the tips found in this book and the realizations I've had from reading it, but it would make this review really long. Please grab this book and try it for yourself.

Thank you to Waterbrook Multonah for a copy of the book.

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