Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hope for the Same-Sex Attracted (Review)

This review is for the book "Hope for the Same-Sex Attracted" by Ron Citlau. Citlau is a pastor who has actually dealt with same-sex attraction in his life. In this book, he shows love and encouragement to those who have feelings of attraction towards the same sex. He does not bash them or show anger towards them. He understands it. But he also shows them that there are options such as celibacy and singleness that are biblical. He encourages people with this struggle to look at those options.

He shows how you need to be plugged into a church and a small group of people who will hold you accountable and also encourage you. He speaks to church leaders and provides ways that they can support these individuals instead of judging them and pushing them away.

Great book, and should be used to encourage those who struggle with these feelings.

Thank you to Cross Focused Reviews for a copy of the book.

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