Thursday, November 6, 2008

We Love Savings

Stephen and I are all for frugality. I think it is just in my blood, and the more time he spends around me, the thriftier he gets, or at least appreciates it when I get a good deal! So he 100% approves of me spending one night every 6 weeks or so at the grocery store doing triple coupons (thanks to my informant --> mom). Every time Harris Teeter has triple coupons, mom goes in the morning, I go after work, and then we call each other to compare the savings we get. The last time I blogged about triple coupons I saved more than I spent for the first time (or the first time I can remember). Tonight, I hit the jackpot again. I had to do three rounds into the store (you can only do 20 coupons at a time) but ended up spending $61 and saving $69. Not too shabby!! Also, I did buy one special thing each for me and Stephen that I didn't have coupons for - I try to do that every trip. He got yeast rolls and I got corn dog nuggets, but you probably don't care about those details. I bought 47 items, which, by my calculations, comes out to each item costing about $1.30. That is probably not how you'd figure it at all, but I'm gonna go with it.

ANYWAY - since I'm the only one who cares about triple coupons except for mom....

Our next thrifty find! Some of y'all know that since college I have done online surveys. I think these have a really bad rep because of the ones that pop up on your screen with flashing lights saying, "McDonalds!!! Or Burger King!!!! Vote and win a Playstation 3!!!!" But all the surveys I do either earn small amounts of cash or points that can be redeemed. We felt that it was time for me to redeem some of my points from one of the sites, and earned this -

A brand new massage mat!!! It has heat, and has 10 different settings in four sections of your body. Soooo cool!! Even cooler because it was free!


Now an Air Force Wife and Mommy!! said... hubby didn't know how to be thrifty until he met me either and he's coming along finally LOL. I'll come home and be like you like my new sweater it costs about 40 bucks but I paid 8 and things like that and he just laughs at me. He calls me his scavanger because I don't pay full price for anything LOL!!

I love thrift shops and yard sales!! I totally miss doing that stuff here but I go through the classifieds and find the things people don't need that we need as they pcs and he still laughs but hey I get what I need ya know.

Now an Air Force Wife and Mommy!! said... hubby didn't know how to be thrifty until he met me either and he's coming along finally LOL. I'll come home and be like you like my new sweater it costs about 40 bucks but I paid 8 and things like that and he just laughs at me. He calls me his scavanger because I don't pay full price for anything LOL!!

I love thrift shops and yard sales!! I totally miss doing that stuff here but I go through the classifieds and find the things people don't need that we need as they pcs and he still laughs but hey I get what I need ya know.