Saturday, September 10, 2011


I am packing the truck with last-minute things for a Fed By Faith delivery and I hear Brianna in the background. She puts her baby Troll doll on the slide with a blanket and says, "Here you go baby Troll. Wanna go preschool? It's fuuuun. See? Here's everybody. Otay. I'll be back."

Found out that both of the kids like turkey hot dogs. That's good considering the fact I have a load of them in the freezer!

Bri is changing her bear's diaper. I see her run to get a diaper and a paper towel. Then she lays down the bear, wipes him very gently with the paper towel, and says, "Otaaay... one second. Almost done, otay? Gooooood."

We have lived around the corner from these same neighbors for the past four years or so, but we've never met them. Their house is situated so that every time we leave the neighborhood we have to drive past them. We watched them get pregnant and we've watched their son (now 3) grow up... all without having officially meeting them. Very strange! Anyway, as we were walking past their house tonight I heard a little voice yelling at us - "Hey!! Hey!!" We waved to the little boy through the window. Then he said, "Take care of your baby!" Haha! His mom Nicole and he came out of the house because he wanted to come out and see Brianna. They are just about 8 months apart, so they had a ball. They raced up and down the road while Nicole and I talked, they piled pinestraw on another neighbor's driveway, they talked in some toddler language... it was really cute. Nicole was saying that they never get to have play dates with other people so she'd like to get together sometime. That'd be nice - there's really no other people our age in our neighborhood.

Tonight Bri was going to the bathroom when she lifted up one butt cheek and put it back down and said, "My butt is stuck." Uhhhh... not sure how to respond to that.

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