Monday, May 28, 2007
Workin' hard(ly) for the money
I got to mom and dad's at about 11:00, famished from skipping breakfast and walking in the hot sun for 4 hours. Luckily, mom said, "Want to go to 195 for lunch?" Boy, did I!! I could already taste that stir-fry. So, mom, dad, and I went to 195 for lunch and shopping. Then it was time for me to go home and try to unpack some more before Stephen got home. Steve and Aaron came with Stephen, along with all of our furniture and everything left in our storage shed. They stayed for a few hours, unloading and putting together everything for us. We ordered pizza from the Village Pizza (okay,but too expensive for the taste) and were in bed by 9:15.
Yesterday, I spent the early morning hours unpacking, then went to church, and then headed to mom and dad's for lunch. Left early-ish to go home and unpack so that I could impress Stephen with how much I got done. Ended up unpacking for about 3 hours straight (plus doing dishes, dusting, etc.) and then realizing I had to be at choir practice by 5:45. Tried to think of an excuse why I couldn't go but couldn't come up with anything that was valid. Went to choir practice, and church, went home, watched an episode of The Office. We were in bed by 9:15. I totally overslept this morning, don't know if it was just because of so much unpacking or what. Tonight after work I have to go straight to play practice and then it's off to Jenn and Matt's for a Memorial Day cookout! Then I will try to get home before Stephen goes to bed so I can actually see him. The next three days I will see him at least a few hours a day because he is off. I miss him. As soon as we finish unpacking I think we will see each other more and be able to have more quality time together. But I'll tell ya what, there's nothing like having a conversation and not having to hear anyone else's input on it. (Although we each have one person in our family who I am REALLY tired of hearing their advice for us.) And there's nothing like having a shower with actual pressure. And sleeping with our door open. And so many other little things that you miss when you're living with someone temporarily. Even though it's fun to unpack, I long for a day when I can come home and just sit with Stephen and do something mind-numbing like watch a movie. Or play a game. Well, that day will come.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tomorrow we start Memorializing.
Tomorrow, my boss and supervisor are leaving on their vacation for Memorial Day. They won't return until Tuesday morning. That means that tomorrow, Saturday (if I choose to work on Saturday) and Monday are pretty much "free" days. Of course I'll get some work done... perhaps.
Tuesday after work I had to go straight to drama practice at church. Drew and I are doing a new play for June that will be really good. Stephen got his script for his play in August. Wednesday after work we went straight to youth group. Stephen taught and I did our new trivia segment. We had youth group outside which was itchy and distracting. But I couldn't say anything because we were 10 minutes late. Tonight, after work we will go straight to church for Peer Pressure Party for the teens. Tomorrow, after work, I will go HOME. To my NEW HOUSE. And only my husband will be there!! And we will live in peace all of our days.
Yesterday was dad's final singalong at school. Anyone who has never had the opportunity to go to a singalong is missing out on one of my favorite childhood memories. Dad has these great songs that his class sings as a reward, like once every 6 weeks or so. I went, as did my friend Jenn C. who was in dad's class with me in second grade. We sang every song at the top of our lungs. And then she cried. I think she wants to revert back to second grade. (Don't we all at some point!) Anyway, the singalong was so much fun, and the kids in dad's class this year are so great. I walked around with Zoey (Jenn's baby) on my hip, pretending she was mine, and hoping people thought she was mine because of how cute she is. I can see why people think it's better to steal babies. It's a lot easier than going through all that hassle for nine months.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Old friends, new friends, red friends, blue friends
The other day on the field trip with dad, we played a game called Poison River. You take ropes and make the width of the "river" wider and wider and keep trying to jump over it. Dad said, "There are no winners or losers with this game. You will lose a foot or leg if you don't make it over. But there are no losers."
Tonight when Stephen gets off work he will be done with night shift. Then he'll go on day shift which is 5am-2pm. That will take some work to get used to I'm sure! Tomorrow we have a full day. Church, then straight to Knollwood for some golf, then straight to church for L.B.'s baby shower, then church, then home to crash! Today we took some stuff over to our house. Stephen mowed the lawn and used the weed-eater. I poisoned the weeds and moved some things into our closet and bathroom. Not a whole lot we can do in the house until the floors are completely done.
I can't believe I'm still up at 10:00. I know that sounds early but I'm on a perfect sleep schedule right now and I don't want to get screwed up. So, off I go!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Those who can't teach, chaperone.




Monday, May 14, 2007
I'm a HO! (Home Owner, crazy)
What I mean when I say "center their lives around one central thing":
> I can remember planning our wedding. I don't remember anyone else being alive in the world except for me and Stephen. Everything was centered around us. You want to know what we're having for dinner tonight? Well, I don't know, but at our wedding we're having bruschetta! You like the way that candle smells? You should smell the flowers in my bouquet! Etc. etc. I was very self-centered. And not very helpful in other people's weddings, like Dear Ole Sis.
> I have, as you know, many pregnant friends right now. They blame EVERYTHING on being pregnant. You're tired? It's from this baby. Hungry? Eating for two. Grumpy? Crazy woman hormones. Slow? You're weighted down. There's an excuse for it all. And they all feel the need to continually point out the fact that they're pregnant. Mind you, these are women who are 7-8 months into it. It's quite obvious.
Those are probably the main things for my age group. Maybe retirees do it too:
Bill: Hey Ted, do you want to go golfing next Saturday?
Ted: Sure, but what about two months from now? I'll be retired! Woot woot!
I don't know, that doesn't irritate me for some reason.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Is your doctor's office in a doublewide?
My appointment was mainly for the purpose of getting my birth control pill prescription filled. So, I had to go through all the nurse stuff (getting my vitals, why am I there?, what meds am I taking? etc.) My reason for being there? Well, as soon as I said why I was there, the nurse kind of chuckled and said, "Oh, they sent you to the wrong doctor. She's pro-life and won't prescribe birth control." I was absolutely shocked. I have heard of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions of BC before, but I NEVER thought it would happen to me. I just sort of sputtered for about 30 seconds.
My thoughts in those 30 seconds: Should I take this as a sign that we're supposed to try to start our family now? Stephen will be thrilled when I tell him this. What money will we use on this child? Can I get this prescription from a different doctor? What if my insurance doesn't cover that? I have to find someone to prescribe this for me. IS THIS LEGAL??
(My mind was racing.) In the end, one of the nurses tracked down a doctor who would sign the order for my pill and I got a three month supply. But even now, I am feeling many different emotions. Concern - I don't know if this is legal, but everyone went along with it so I assume it is. Anger - who is she to decide if I can't use birth control? Judged - I am a 24 year old married woman who is a deeply devoted Christian. How dare she make me feel as though I should be ashamed for being on birth control? How dare she make me feel like I am a 15 year old sneaking in a forged permission slip so that I can go bang a few guys from my high school when my parents are out of town? Worry - what if this was my opportunity to get off the pill and now I've blown it? (Because I'm not willingly going to quit taking it just yet.) Sadness - how many people are having to pay out of their pockets for BC because of doctors like this? Or worse yet, how many can't afford to pay out of their pockets and get pregnant and feel like they have to abort their children or give them up for adoption?
My research on the Internet mainly follows pharmacists who won't fill prescriptions. Many conservatives (not necessarily of any specific religion) believe that pregnancy begins at the moment of fertilization and that the Pill kicks in after fertilization, therefore killing whatever life may be in the womb. ( One major point in this battle is the fact that the Pill is used for so many things besides birth control. Many people use it to control acne, balance their hormones, shrink fibroids, reducing ovarian cancer risk, and actually several other things. If I told my doctor I was using BC to control my acne, would she have prescribed it to me?
One doctor from Duke says it all: "I have a hard time with people who market themselves as women's health care physicians but who won't prescribe such a basic part of women's health care. We're seeing a growing trend among pharmacists and medical practitioners who consider it acceptable to impose their morality on women's bodies. I don't think moral aspects should be a concern. Imagine a pharmacist asking a customer whether his Viagra prescription is to enhance sexual performance in his marriage or in an extramarital affair. Never!"
Well, my soapbox is getting full. I better get off of it. Anyone else got anything to say about it?
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Welcome, New Earthlings

I'm so glad that these lovely ladies each had healthy birthing experiences! It makes me more likely to think about having children.
I told Jenn that I wasn't going to post tonight because I was having such a bad day. Really, just a bad time frame - not the whole day was bad. But then again, people have to see the dark side of Amanda every so often. And tomorrow, I won't remember how tired I am right now, or how frustrated I was almost being late for church, or how anxious I felt driving home from Chapel Hill in the rain, seeing four wrecks and praying that I wasn't the next one (as well as praying for my Dear Ole Sis who was on the roads too), or how sad I was that I didn't get to see Stephen tonight, or how irritated I was when the youth group leader didn't show up for youth group and I had to pull a lesson out of my butt, or how I am SO OVER the drama between two certain people. Okay I probably won't forget that I am SO OVER the drama. I knew a game of cards would straighten out all those emotions. So I played with Stephen's grandma. And she whupped me. But I feel better all the same. Maybe because during that game I realized that my day wasn't so tough compared with some people in this very house.
And today was actually a good day up until the point where the bottom fell out of the sky. I hate driving in rain. Granny and Granddaddy came up to visit mom. And it was nice enough outside that we could go walking in the butterfly garden at the hospital. Then we went to the bath and body sale in the children's hospital lobby. Then we went to the gift shop and got mom some badly needed salt and vinegar chips.
I best be off. I have a doc's appointment on Pope tomorrow morning so I need to rest up so I look perky and healthy for him/her.
Monday, May 7, 2007
The Barn is overpriced, I don't care that it's a classic
Anyway, then tonight I went out with some of the girlies from church. We ate at The Barn whichiswayoverpricedinmyopinionandyougetsmallportionsandreallythefoodisnotthatmuchbetterthanmostplacesthatarealotcheaper. But it was fun anyway. And my friend Allison announced her pregnancy! I am so thrilled for her. So let's take count:
1 - friend this year who has already had a baby
2 - friends this year who are starting to try to get pregnant
3 - friends this year who are pregnant at this moment
I'm tellin' ya, there's something in the air around here. And before you ask - I'm not holding my breath but I'm not taking deep breaths either. And that's all I have to say about that.
* I actually just used to look up a synonym for the word "retarded". I hate using that word but this video really was just that.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
I'll see you at the Women's PGA Tour in 2007
In reality, I wasn't that bad. We played Captain's Choice and actually used my hits every once in a while. Meghann Barnes and her boyfriend were playing right in front of us which was very random! It was good to see her again. Last night Stephen surprised me by buying several boxes of pink ribbon golf balls. And him and Jesse saw some pink ribbon golf clubs. I might be able to be convinced to buy them at some point in my life.
So, we're able to really start counting down the days until we close on our house. We set the closing date for May 14 but we're attempting to move it up to May 11. Then we are getting the hardwood floors redone which will take a week. So definitely by the end of May we'll be in our new house! Alone! By ourselves! Amazazing!
I really did want to update this but I'm distracted. I'm smelling dinner, hearing Roseanne in one room, hearing Ultimate Fighter in this room, Stephen's talking to me (I'm not going to interrupt him because he's complimenting me on my golf game), so I'm stopping for now.