Friday, March 25, 2011

Don't Blow Your Cover

Wednesday we were eating lunch at Dad and Mom's. They have multiple bird feeders right outside the dining room window and Brianna (and Dad) are constantly looking for birds. We weren't paying attention and Brianna pointed outside and yelled, "Twooooo!" We looked, and sure enough, there were two birds sitting on one of the bird feeders. Mom and Dad were appropriately impressed and we had such praise for our little prodigy. I was very proud of her, although I knew it was just a matter of time...

About three minutes later, we weren't paying attention and Brianna pointed outside and yelled, "Twoooo!" We looked and there were three or four birds eating quietly on the bird feeder.

I could hear myself in my head hissing, "Bri! You should have quit while you were ahead! Now they know you aren't very very advanced for your age!" And just like that her cover was blown.

Of course I'm kidding. It was only a few minutes after that she was doing something equally as cute and impressive as earlier that distracted us from the fact that she isn't a child prodigy with her numbers. Sarcasm is never as funny on paper as it is when the words come out of your mouth. Blame this post on the fact that I just finished an Anne Lamott book and wanted to carry her dark humor over to my blog.

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