Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gospel Call and True Conversion Review

If you have not ever heard of Paul Washer, I encourage you to look him up on YouTube. I ran across him a few years ago and he really struck me as a Christian. He is one of those straight-forward pastors who doesn't apologize for what he says and really makes you want to change to be a better Christian. So when I saw that he was writing books, I jumped at the chance to read one. Let me tell you, I just finished "The Gospel Call & True Conversion", and it was (not surprisingly) amazing.

Washer, as I said, does not apologize for saying the hard stuff. He tells it like it is. By the time you finish this book, you will have no questions as to what the Bible says about conversion. First of all, Washer talks about the "gospel call". He talks about the need for genuine repentance (and how you know it's genuine), a beautiful in-depth study of faith, belief and confession, and really what it means to receive Christ. Part two of the book talks about God's motive with salvation. It also talks about our separation from the world after conversion, our new heart as a believer, and what God's spirit does to us. Then, part three discusses the "new covenant" versus the old law, Washer discusses the church as a whole in great detail, and applying our knowledge of God to our lives. I also love the section where Washer talks about our one heart and unity we are supposed to have as Christians. Lastly, Washer discusses the everlasting covenant we have and the promise we have from God.

You will not read this book without being changed. Without feeling convicted. Without gaining more knowledge. This book will affect you in such a positive way, I can guarantee it.

I would recommend this book for absolutely any Christian. It is a must-read. Washer is so knowledgeable in the Bible and I can just tell his life goal is to reach as many people for Christ. But not only that - grow those Christians into more mature Christians so they can disciple others. Amazing book.

Thank you to Cross Focused Reviews and Reformation Heritage books for giving me a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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