Friday, March 27, 2015

Starting at the Finish Line (Review)

This review is for the book "Starting at the Finish Line" by John B. Wallace. This book is written as an explanation of grace for Mormons. The author was a practicing Mormon for two decades and throughout the book he details his transition to Christianity and his faith journey. He wrote this book for the Mormon who perhaps has questions, or is transitioning to Christianity.

The book is very well laid out, starting with a defense of the Bible, and then going through the Law, the solution, God's grace, and how we can be secure in our salvation. Even though Wallace is really speaking to struggling Latter-day Saints, he really hits home with his points and I believe that new Christians as well as mature Christians will benefit from this book. Even as a Christian already secure in your faith, this book is a guide to the thoughts and feelings that many Mormons have.

I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to Cross Focused Reviews for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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