Today was one of those days where we were just running, running, running! That was not my plan, but it happened anyway. We are starting to plan Brianna's birthday party. We are doing it a week earlier than her birthday so that our family from Georgia can be in town for it. I called today to reserve a park for her birthday, and was told that I needed to come in to fill out the paperwork. That changed all of my plans, because the park is in Pinehurst, and
nothing I needed to do was in Pinehurst! My Pinehurst run is on Wednesdays since I'm already at Mom and Dad's. To make the 20 (or more) minute trip worth it, I had to run several other errands while I was out.
Before we left, though, I was working around the house! I'm in the middle of spring cleaning (expect a long blog in the future about that!) and on my agenda today were cleaning the refrigerator and organizing my Ebay stuff. That by itself is a task with two kids but on Mondays I also do laundry, change all the sheets in the house, and change all the towels. Typing it out makes it seem so easy...
So I changed my plans around. We stopped by the dump to take trash and check for coupons. Stopped by Family Dollar to return something. Took a load of recycling to the recycling center. Got to the Village Hall and I was told, "Well, this is done online, but I
guess I can do it for you since you're here." Oooookay. Then we made a super fast run to Walgreens on the way home.
Whew! Home at least and
we're I'm exhausted after three hours of running around town. Of course, neither child is tired at all!!! About 45 minutes after we got home I realized that if Bri was going to take any kind of nap before Kindermusik (which we had to leave for in an hour) she had to go down. NOW. Twenty-five minutes of crying later, I gave in and brought her back downstairs, where she happily ran off to play by herself. Go figure. When Stephen got home a few minutes later he needed to rest, so me and the kids went to the porch where Hunter sat lazily in his Bumbo and Brianna was pushed in the swing by me.
Not long after that, Brianna and I were off to Kindermusik, where, as she will tell you, we "foot" (stomped), "pap" (clapped), "pap" (patted), "choo choo" (chugged like a train), "wish wish" (swayed from side to side), "rorr" (rolled), and "over" (rolled over). Among many other things! On the way home I needed just a bit of one herb so we ran into Nature's Own to get it... they don't carry it. Fortunately they recommended we go to Fresh Market so if you need dry minced garlic, Fresh Market is the place to go!! Brianna fell asleep on the way home, and I gotta tell you, I didn't blame her!
Of course that didn't last. When we got home Stephen wanted to re-straw the front yard so Hunter and I chilled inside (i.e. folded laundry) while Brianna played outside until she wanted to "wing" (swing) so I pushed her in the swing again. Then it was time for dinner (pancakes!!) and time to Skype with Oma, Ju-Ju, and Lauren!
Saturday was Dad's birthday and today was Leila's birthday so Happy Birthday to two of the top six grandparents in Brianna and Hunter's lives!! (Boy, I hope I did the math right there....)
After Skype, we ate dinner, bathed Brianna and dumped her upstairs. Now I am listing more of my lonesome Ebay items (I've done twelve so far today which is a miracle), made my Secret Sister gift for this month, and made baby wipes since I ran out yesterday. Whew. What a day, what a day. And tomorrow is going to be just as busy! BUT. Tomorrow we get to see Jennifer, Claire and Evan! So all is well!!
I better get done with everything so I can go to bed like the rest of my family!!