Sunday, January 16, 2011

Georgia Christmas (Atlanta division)

Okay, as long as I post these before Easter, I'm doing good, right!??

So, after a couple of days in the Kennesaw section of Georgia, off we went to the Atlanta part of Georgia to see part of my family. Yes, it just so happens that my family and Stephen's family in Georgia live only about 45 minutes apart. Rock!

Claire: How do you get this thing going??

Got it!!

Claire and Bri are very dramatic when they fall.

Oh Evan, that thou couldst taste a Varsity burger. In time....

Evan was so good for Grandpa! And Grandpa behaved for Evan too!

A four-generation picture, complete with Brianna tugging on dad's shoulder for attention!

If you want to see more pictures and better explanations and captions, go to Dad's blog right here!!

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