Friday, February 1, 2008

Food, Glorious Food!

I agree with ya there, Oliver.

I love days like today. We started off this morning at work with breakfast - homemade cinnamon rolls by Renee. They are absolutely delicious. Dripping with sugar and cinnamon... mmm... they're just cavities waiting to happen. Then for lunch we ordered in from Chili's. I got a HUGE burger and fries. Then Granny brought banana pudding for dessert. Oy. It was all magically delicious.

Wednesday night we had a party at church for our January birthdays in youth group. So for dinner that night, I had two huge pieces of cake and a large amount of chips and dip, not to mention all the caffeine from the sodas. Now that's a good dinner. We played a game where three volunteers had to gargle until they spit it out or swallowed it accidentally. It turned out that the guy who won got smart - he closed his eyes so he couldn't watch the rest of the youth group make fun of him. The other two guys laughed almost immediately and therefore spewed water over the people in the front of the classroom. The winner was awarded a bottle of Scope. :)

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